On September 13th and 14th, 2003 The Civil War Reenactment of The Battle of Franklin and The Battle of Chickamauga
were held in Appomattox Virginia. The Appomattox Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy participated on Friday the 12th
(Pre-public day) by welcoming about 350 school children (4th and 11th grades) to the reenactment by serving as the welcome
committee as well a tour guides to the different stations on the grounds. The chapter also presented one of the stations
which provided a fashion exhibit of 1860's men, women and childrens clothing. Carol and Cullen Williams presented the program
and answered many questions from the very interested children. On Saturday the Appomattox chapter presented a fashion show
with over 50 participants from chapters across the state as well as reenactors from a number of states. The fashion show was
narrated by Mrs. Leslie Mahaffey, of the Bedford Chapter UDC. Many commented that the fashion show was the second best part
of the reenactment - exceeded only by the reenactment on the battlefield.
The Battle of Franklin |